Mallee Family Care is urging the Victorian Government to take immediate action in adopting the critical recommendations outlined in the Let us learn report.
Teresa Jayet, Chief Executive Officer, Mallee Family Care says “All Victorian children deserve the opportunity to reach their educational potential. Yet children in out-of-home care often face barriers to accessing education which are not experienced by their peers who live with their families.”
The 2023 Let us learn report by the Commission for Children and Young People documents some alarming statistics about the lack of engagement in education among children in out-of-home care.
This disengagement spans all age groups, from preschool to Year 12.
For example attendance rates for secondary students in care are significantly lower than the general population, with 64% experiencing chronic absenteeism.
These children are also five times more likely to face suspension or expulsion than their peers.
Participation in standardised testing, such as NAPLAN, is 25% lower and those who do participate often score below average across all domains.
One in four students in care complete Year 12, compared to 82% in the general student population.
For almost 50 years Mallee Family Care has been working with families dealing with disadvantage and crisis.