Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has criticised the Allan Labor Government’s plan to create Local Health Service Networks, bringing Mildura Public Hospital,
Mallee Track Health and Community Services & Robinvale District Health under the Loddon Mallee Network, whilst grouping East Wimmera Health & Rural Northwest Health with Grampians.
“Labor claims this will improve patient care, but centralising services has only made things worse for regional Victorians in the past. It’s amalgamation by stealth, and it doesn’t work,” Ms Benham said.
Ms Benham has been calling for autonomy for regional healthcare if Local Health Service Networks were to be implemented and illustrated how well the Northern Mallee Integrated Partnerships have worked.
While acknowledging that this plan offers a sub-network for the regions three services, Ms Benham remains cautious about its execution.
“Whilst it’s finally a very small step in the right direction, the Allan Labor Government is notorious for big promises with little detail. Communities deserve clarity, not vague assurances,” she said.
There are also fears the changes will lead to job cuts and reduced services.
“Regional communities know what’s best for their health services. We don’t need bureaucrats in Melbourne telling us how to care for our patients. Our communities deserve better.”