
Transport and land use strategy up for feedback

August 9, 2024 7:32 am in by

Feedback is now open on the Mildura Rural City Council Draft Mildura Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy (ITLUS).

The ITLUS aims to guide how the region should grow to 2050 and beyond, focusing on how people and goods travel to, within, and through our municipality.

The ITLUS features transport and land use actions, outcomes and initiatives that will guide future actions across the municipality.

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It has been broken into five key themes, including:

A productive freight network which benefits the environment, economy, public realm, and industry.

Accessible and sustainable neighbourhoods providing ease of movement and access to services for all residents and neighbourhoods.

Safe and healthy streets, including the promotion of active transport, such as walking and cycling, to facilitate healthy residents and communities.

A region full of opportunity, aiming to capitalise on Mildura’s unique strengths to improve productivity, access to opportunities and economic growth.

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Adaptable and resilient infrastructure, including effective management of assets to meet the needs of the community, business and industry while being adaptable to the effects of climate change.

For more information or to have your say go to before Friday 13 September.
