Police have detected 6,857 traffic offences across Victoria over the Anzac Day period as part of Operation Tribute.
The state-wide operation saw police highly visible and enforcing over five days in an effort to reduce road trauma on Victorian roads.
More than a third of offences detected were for speeding, with the majority of motorists caught speeding between 10km/h and 25km/h over the speed limit.
Police detected 441 motorists who are disqualified, suspended or un-licenced and not permitted to be driving.
More than 300 drivers were caught using their mobile phone.
104 were fined for not wearing a seatbelt.
There were 168 drink drivers detected from 108,303 preliminary breath tests, and 133 drug drivers from 2,193 roadside drug tests.
Across the state of NSW, police issued 4,197 speed infringements, conducted 165,604 breath tests with 256 people charged with drink-driving and conducted 12,371 roadside drug tests with 637 positive detections.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/blue-light-siren-police-alarm-4165414/