A push for a passenger train to return to Mildura’s been given a boost.
Non-profit group Seven-0-Seven Operations has already held two tours to Mildura this year, both selling out and having over five-hundred guests to the region.
The third Vinelander slow journey rail tour, November 1st to 5th, has now also sold out.
Local lobby groups are hoping it’ll help continue the push to have a regular passenger train service return to Mildura.
Curently, locals have to catch a bus to Swan Hill before catching a V/Line train.
Seven-0-Seven Operations is an all-volunteer staffed non-profit group of dedicated enthusiasts that maintains, restores and operates a collection of historic locomotives and rolling-stock, a moving museum of the Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales Government Railways.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/railway-rail-track-railroad-7914047/