Swan Hill Rural City Council is currently undertaking an electronic survey of its road assets to assess its condition and accurately inform the development of their priority works programs.
Council have engaged engineering firm SHEPHERD to undertake the survey using their own RACAS® (Road Asset Condition Assessment System) technology mounted on a vehicle to assess both sealed and unsealed roads.
RACAS ® captures high-definition images every 10 metres, GPS, and roughness data to electronically produce a condition rating of the pavement. As the RACAS Survey vehicle travels at the same speed as normal traffic, no disruptions are anticipated to residents and motorists.
Council’s Director Infrastructure, Leah Johnston said the electronic survey would give Council a true picture of the condition of its road network assets that is not only essential to inform future works but also used to complete asset valuations.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/asphalt-grass-road-plant-power-3439575/