
Planning proposal to heritage list local tree

October 21, 2024 7:33 am in by

A Planning Proposal to Heritage list the WOW tree at the Australian Inland Botanic Gardens has been lodged with Wentworth Shire Council.

The proposal seeks to amend Schedule 5 of the Wentworth Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP) by adding a 2,500 year old Eucalyptus Oleosa tree, also known as or commonly referred to as the ‘Wow Tree’ and amending relevant Heritage mapping.

All interested persons are invited to make written submissions, either by email, in person or post, to be received by 5.00 pm 15 November 2024.

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If an objection is made, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.

Any submissions received may be made public unless a request to withhold is made.

Any enquiries or requests for copies of the exhibition documents should be directed to the Customer Service area by phoning (03) 5027 5027 or email:
