Mildura Rural City Council’s Corroboree, a biennial celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, will return in 2024.
For the first time in its history, the 2024 Corroboree will be held at Rio Vista Park – which is currently undergoing a transformation into a more accessible and active public space.
The Corroboree will be held from 5.30pm on Wednesday 20 March, and will coincide with ChangeFest24 – an annual national celebration where participants gather to learn, connect and amplify collaborative efforts of place-based change.
In a change of format, this year’s Corroborree will take on the form of a dance competition. Entry is open to Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, performers and dance groups consisting of at least five members.
Prizes will be available across two categories – Open (valued to $2,500) and Schools (valued to $500), with winners to be selected by a panel of judges.
Entries are open online and close 5pm on 23 February 2024.
Groups and individuals interested in hosting a stall at the event are asked to complete an online application form by 5pm on Friday 23 February 2024.
More information about the event, including Terms and Conditions for both the Dance competition and Stallholder expressions of interest, can be found at