Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster is calling for public support she says is vital to reduce the number of heavy vehicles travelling down Mildura’s Deakin Avenue.
“Almost every minute of the day, one heavy vehicle now travels the Sturt Highway through Mildura. Anecdotally we are seeing more and more B-Doubles and B-Triples rumbling down Deakin Avenue rather than the Benetook Avenue Bypass. It’s not their fault, they have no choice – even so, I have been pushing the Victorian Government for answers to remedy this situation,” Dr Webster said.
“The people of Mildura and surrounding areas need a show of strength backing safer roads and a new transport strategy for Mildura. A big public push will help secure a business plan to create the best option for more freight going on rail and a Mildura heavy vehicle bypass.”
Concerned residents can sign a petition at
Dr Webster will meet with Mildura Rural City Council, Wentworth Shire Council, State Nationals Nationals Member for Mildura Jade Benham and other transport stakeholders in Mildura on Thursday to develop long-term solutions for north-west Victorian freight movements through rail and road improvements.