
Make fire safety a priority this summer

January 15, 2025 6:29 am in by

Member for Mildura, Jade Benham has issued a reminder to local residents to make fire preparation a priority this summer.

“With our region’s hot, dry summer, it’s vital that everyone takes steps to protect themselves, their families, and their properties from the risk of bushfires and grassfires,” Ms Benham said.

“That means proper precautions when using farm machinery, whilst out camping and driving around the region. It only takes one spark in our conditions for fire to erupt.”

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The CFA offers valuable advice to help stay prepared, including:

• Leave early on hot, dry, windy days if the fire danger rating is extreme or catastrophic.

• Understand your risk and plan ahead. Tell your family and friends when you will leave, where you’ll go and how you will get there.

• Do not wait for an official warning before you leave as there may not be one.

• Plan for your pets and livestock by deciding early how you will care for them on high-risk days.

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• Check conditions if traveling, including at your destination and along your route. Stay informed through local radio stations for warnings and advice.

Ms Benham also extended her gratitude to local firefighters for their tireless efforts in fire prevention and community support.
