
Local MP says funding cuts are risking local lives 

April 17, 2024 6:34 am in by

The Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, says the drastic reduction in health funding by the Allan Labor Government is deeply concerning for regional Victorians, who will inevitably pay the price for Premier Allan’s health cuts. 

Regional hospitals are under threat like never before, with the Allan Labor Government set to impose severe funding cuts, triggering forced mergers, service reductions and potential closures. 

Further, there are reports the government is imposing unrealistic savings targets on all 76 of Victoria’s health services. 

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Ms Benham criticised these measures, characterising them not as efficiency improvements but as desperate and severe cuts stemming from Labor’s financial mismanagement. 

“Any cuts must prioritise enhanced efficiencies, not severe budget cuts costing lives,” said Ms Benham. 

Ms Benham says these cuts directly impact on patients across regional Victoria who are already grappling with challenges in accessing basic healthcare and experiencing prolonged wait times for essential treatments. 

