Dried Fruits Australia says many growers across Sunraysia suffered some crop loss from the pest last year, and it still represents a financial and volume loss to the industry.
While the industry’s limited with what sprays can be used to manage Queensland Fruit Fly, the Mildura-based organisation says producers should be ready for monitoring and baiting.
Dried Fruits Australia chair Mark King said “Be vigilant and start putting baits out.”
“It’s difficult to know whether this season will be better or worse than last year, and there is no one magic bullet spray to avoid it.”
Read the most recent edition of the Vine magazine to hear from growers about their experiences of last season, what worked, what didn’t and what they plan to change… https://issuu.com/vine-magazine/docs/20_3_vinemag_fin2_lr
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/grapes-fruit-immature-sweet-3555214/