
Local farmers join farmers from across the country in Canberra

September 11, 2024 8:57 am in by

Farmers from the Mallee have joined other producers from across the country outside Federal Parliament.

They’ve pleaded with the Federal Government to stop what the opposition is calling an anti-farming agenda.

The National Farmers Federation are calling for changes including scrapping the Murray Darling Basin water buybacks and protecting the 88-day backpacker visa.

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Prime Minster Anthony Albanese has refused to attend the rally, ignoring farmers who travelled from all over the country.

Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster MP said the Prime Minister has once again demonstrated complete contempt towards farmers and rural, regional and remote Australia.

Dr Webster pointed out that rally organisers were calling for sensible changes including scrapping Murray-Darling Basin water buybacks, scrapping new taxes for biosecurity and superannuation, scrapping unnecessary red tape from emissions reporting (known as Scope 3), scrapping reckless renewables which is devastating prime agricultural land, protecting the 88-day backpacker visa and diesel fuel tax rebate, and overturning the decision to ban live sheep exports by sea.

