The trailer depicted in the first image was stolen from Corack Road in Birchip between Sunday the 7th of January and Sunday the 8th of January, 2023.
It was subsequently located on the 9th of January, 2023 – stripped (per image) 2kms south of Culgoa at the allocated rest area on the Calder Highway between Baths Road and Dog Netting Road.
Before the victim could collect the trailer, another opportunistic offender has removed the trailer from this location.
There is information that leads police to believe that the trailer was removed between 8:00pm and 8:30pm on Tuesday the 10th of January, 2023 by 2 male offenders. One of the offenders is described as having a very solid build.
The males were travelling in a Mitsubishi medium rigid, dual axle tip truck, similar but not exact to the one depicted in the 2nd picture. The tip truck had a swivel crane attached which was used to put the trailer on board.
If you were travelling in the area at the time and noticed anything that relates to this investigation, please contact Senior Constable Annie Coobs at Culgoa Police Station on 03 5077 2225 or for an anonymous report please contact Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000.