If you are confused about how to navigate the Aged Care system, or if you or someone you know require support but don’t know where to start, this free community forum is designed to answer some of your questions.
The forum will be held on Thursday 26 September from 10.30am to 12.30pm, Ouyen United Football and Netball Club, 6 Calder Highway, Ouyen.
Industry professionals will present about topics including:
How to access the Aged Care System
What is My Aged Care and how to register?
How do I know if I am eligible?
What is the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)?
Home Care Packages
Who can support me on my Aged Care journey?
How to access Residential Care
Light refreshments will be provided.
Mildura Rural City Council asks that if you would like to attend, please register by contacting Mildura Rural City Council Positive Ageing Facilitator on 03 5018 8258, or email nicole.cavallaro@mildura.vic.gov.au or RIAC Access and Support Officer on 0491 208 158 or email diane@riac.org.au
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/hand-human-woman-grown-up-hands-3666974/