Local police are seeking assistance to locate the owner of several items
Firstly, a Blue Toshiba Laptop, located in the vicinity of Birralee Avenue Mildura, on the 25/02 and taken to the Mildura Police Station.
Secondly, a Milwaukee Angle Grinder, located in the vicinity of Thirteenth St Mildura, on the 22/01 and taken to the Mildura Police Station.

Also, a Battery operated Makita drill which was located on 26/02, on Deakin Avenue Mildura.

And a Benro camera bag containing a Nikon camera, lens and empty blue frog optics case was found in Cameron Avenue, Mildura on the 24th of January 2023. The memory card contains valuable family photos that Mildura Police would really like to reunite with the owners.

(Photos are not actual items.)
Proof of ownership of these items will need to be provided upon collection such as purchase recepts, adequate description of identifying features, camera details and identity of persons photographed, etc.
For details contact the Mildura Police Station.