
Driving change for women and girls in sport

June 4, 2024 6:43 am in by

Improving female participation, equipment and uniform upgrades and additional training for coaches and are on the agenda for local soccer club Irymple Knights, after it was named one of 119 successful recipients of the 2023-24 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program.

The local club will be receiving a $5000 boost.  

Member for Mildura Jade Benham MP says “Irymple Knights are very deserving of this grant – it’s a club with a long history and presence in the community, and I wholeheartedly congratulate the club on its successful application.”

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“This kind of money can make a massive difference to a local sporting club, it can go a long way and achieve many things, as I’m sure will be the case here” she said.

