
Calls to rule out Port of Melbourne truck tax

February 6, 2024 6:40 am in by

There are calls for The Allan Government to rule out imposing a Port of Melbourne truck tax for freight movements.

Documents from the Department of Transport and Planning reveal a road freight tax is being actively considered for trucks loading and unloading at the Port of Melbourne to make the cost of road freight more expensive, and thus making rail freight more competitive, despite one container terminal not even having rail access.

Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, said: “Labor must immediately rule out imposing a truck tax on the Port of Melbourne. This ludicrous approach by Labor will raise the cost of freight on roads, costing Victorians more for goods.

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“Instead of making rail more competitive by investing in it, this will simply make road freight more expensive. 

“Not to mention, the state of our roads are far from the standard to be carrying additional freight.”

