The Aussie Bird Count is underway, and Wentworth Shire Council is encouraging locals to get involved.
Residents don’t need to be a bird expert to join in, but the council says it’s a fun way to practice bird ID skills, and contribute to conservation efforts in areas including Lake Gol Gol or the Murray Darling Junction.
Council says there’s four steps to join BirdLife Australia Bird Count 2024.
Step 1: Set aside 20 minutes between October 14 and 20.
Step 2: Download the Aussie Bird Count app.
Step 3: Count birds from Wentworth Shire’s natural wonders like Murray-Darling Junction or from your home. You can count anywhere across Australia!
Step 4: Submit your bird count using the app and contribute to bird conservation.
Further details can be found at the Wentworth Shire Council Facebook page, or by going to