Politicians are calling for young Victorians to participate in next year’s YMCA Victoria Youth Parliament.
The program promises to give 120 young Victorians aged 16 to 25 the chance to experience the parliamentary process up close.
While the Youth Parliament has played a part in shaping more than 30 Victorian laws – from bike helmet mandates to school uniform changes – the government has once again neglected to address the bigger issues facing our youth: cost-of-living pressures, skyrocketing rent, and the lack of real job opportunities in regional Victoria.
Participants will engage in a three-day sitting at the Victorian Parliament next July, drafting, debating, and voting on bills.
The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham says “It’s not just about being heard; it’s about seeing action.”
“I encourage young people apply to be a part of the Youth Parliament and ensure that regional voices are heard.”
Applications are open until 13 October.
Young people interested can apply via https://vicyouth.ymca.org.au/learning-and-leadership
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/people-group-silhouette-friends-865310/