WaterNSW has issued a red alert advisory for high levels of potentially toxic blue-green algae in the Darling River at Pooncarie, Ellerslie and the Pomona boat ramp.
An amber alert for blue-green algae is current for the Darling River at Burtundy, Tapio as well as 13km upstream of Pomona.
The Great Darling Anabranch at the Silver City Highway crossing is on Red alert for blue-green algae.
These alert levels represent ‘bloom’ conditions.
Water will appear green or discoloured and clumps or scums could be visible.
It can also give off a strong musty or organic odour.
Algae may be toxic to humans and animals.
Contact with or use of water from red alert areas should be avoided due to the risk of eye and skin irritation.
Drinking untreated or boiled water from these supplies can cause stomach upsets.
Alternative water supplies should be sought or activated carbon treatment employed to remove toxins.
People should not fish when an algal scum is present.
Owners should keep dogs away from high alert areas and provide alternative watering points for stock.
For further details go to https://www.waternsw.com.au/water-services/water-quality/algae
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/cyanobacteria-cyanophyta-algae-4469840/