Combined Footpath, Kerb and Channel Works (Traffic Management in Place)
943 Karadoc Avenue, Irymple
919 Karadoc Avenue, Irymple
107 Riverside Avenue, Mildura
901-903 Karadoc Avenue, Irymple
620-622 Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura
Road Reconstruction Works (Traffic Management in place)
Ouyen Patchewollock Road – Cassidy Road to Howard Road, Ouyen
Merle Court & Tarella Court, Merbein
Road Shoulder Works (Traffic Management in place)
Fifth Street from Calder Highway to Paschendale Avenue, Merbein South
Road Maintenance Works
Karadoc Avenue – Eleventh Street to Fifteenth Street, Irymple
Karadoc Avenue & Fourteenth Street Roundabout – Irymple (Road Closed – Detours Apply)
Storm Water Drainage Rehabilitation
216A Twelfth Street, Mildura
Mildura Lawn Tennis Club, Mildura
Abbotsford Bridge at Curlwaa.
Work will include replacing the bridge’s support rails connecting the truss spans to ensure it continues to safely service the community.