Road Reconstruction Works
Merle Court & Tarella Court, Mildura
Footpath Construction
Commercial Street, Merbein (P-10 College)
Thirteenth Street & Wade Avenue Intersection, Mildura
Road Maintenance Works
Eleventh Street – Karadoc Avenue to Sandilong Avenue, Irymple
Ontario Avenue & Fifteenth Street Roundabout, Mildura
San Mateo Avenue & Seventh Street Roundabout, Mildura – Half Road Closure
Seventeenth Street – Deakin Avenue to San Mateo Avenue, Mildura South – Half Road Closure
Storm Water Drainage Rehabilitation
243 Cureton Avenue, Mildura
392 Eleventh Street, Mildura
Lighting Upgrade – Pedestrian Access
Henshilwood Memorial Reserve, Irymple
Stormwater Drainage Works
Etiwanda Avenue Spurline – Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street, Mildura
Calder Basin Drainage Upgrade, Irymple
Kerb & Channel Renewal Works
Jamieson Avenue between Ilex Street and Guava Street, Red Cliffs
Heytesbury Avenue, Red Cliffs
131 Jacaranda Street, Red Cliffs
Bridge Works
Abbotsford Bridge, Curlwaa
George Chaffey Bridge, Buronga