Mallee Almond Blossom Festival
Sun 20th Aug, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Robinvale Community Arts Centre, Robin Street, Robinvale VIC
This year the festival is returning and will be bigger than ever!
Held on the grounds of the Robinvale Community Arts Centre overlooking the beautiful Murray River, come prepared for a wonderfully relaxing day sampling and purchasing local produce, plus all day entertainment for the whole family.
Entertainment – TBC
Bus Tours – One of the most popular attractions of the festival is the tour of the almond blossom. This will be happening once again with a new farm open for inspection.
Speciality Stores – With over 30 speciality stalls ranging from toys, clothing to jewellery, art, oils, balloons and produce. There’s definitely something for everyone.
Entry – $10 per person. Under 16 years is free.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/almond-tree-flowers-spring-6180802/