
Heart2Heart Walk

National Heart2Heart Foundation Board presents

Heart2Heart Walk

Fri 18th Aug, 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM

Mildura Central, Deakin Avenue, Mildura VIC

Between 18 and 22 August 2023, the Heart2Heart Walk will pass through the amazing Mildura region on its way along a 3000km journey from the centre of our great country (Lambert Centre, Northern Territory) to the centre of our nation (Parliament House, Australian Capital Territory).

Participants will be serving, veteran or family of first responders who are walking in an effort: 

1. To raise awareness concerning the impacts of first responder mental health and wellbeing of serving and retired (veteran), and families, of first responders

2. Seek commitment from the Federal Government to implement all of the 14 recommendations from the 2019 Senate Inquiry: ‘The people behind 000: mental health of our first responders’, and specifically into First Responder suicide, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and premature mortality, and

3. Raise funds in order to:

(a) Undertake academic research to obtain empirical evidence into the impacts upon serving and retired first responder mental health and wellbeing to devise strategies to deal with same, and 

(b) Explore and provide meaningful and positive education opportunities for first responders, past and present, and their families, to better support them all, and

4. Support the establishment of a National First Responder Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, to provide greater command, communication, coordination and leadership of effort, to complement the Defence and Veteran’s Suicide Commission.

For further details phone 0493 446 650, go to or email




Aug 18 2023


7:30 am - 6:00 pm