Field walk to explore swingarm latch system
Dried Fruits Australia will host a field walk on 13 July to explore a latch system for Shaw swingarm trellis.
The system has been developed and adopted at Rowena and Warren Smart’s dried grape property at Red Cliffs.
The system featured in our most recent edition of the Vine magazine. You can read about it online here, and find out more about the latch in person at the field walk.
The event will give attendees a chance to ask questions of Rowena and Warren.
The field walk will be held from 10am to 11.30am on Barndeet Avenue, between Cocklin Avenue and Kulkyne Way, Red Cliffs. Look for the Dried Fruits Australia flags.
To register your attendance, email projects@driedfruitsaustralia.org.au.
A morning tea will be provided.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/grapes-fruit-food-green-grapes-9218/