Chocolate and cards for aged care residents at Easter
There is something that puts smiles on the faces of local residents in aged care homes… the giving of cards and blocks of chocolate on Good Friday.
John Burfitt has been running this project each year at Easter, and it has brought much joy to the residents at Jacaranda Village and Regis Aged Care in 10th Street over the last three years.
Just to be clear, this is not a CHAILIS project, but a project that John has been doing aside from CHAILIS.
There is a special account set up at Bendigo Bank:
BSB: 633
ACC: 000156712408
If anyone that makes cards can help out by making some, it would be appreciated.
About 130 cards and blocks of chocolate are still needed.
Once again this is not a CHAILIS project.
Because it has brought joy to so many over the last few years, John wants to make it an Easter tradition.
Cards and blocks of chocolate can be dropped off to River 1467, 130 Ninth Street, Mildura, during office hours.
For more information, phone John on 0409 801 746.