Next week will see water supply interruptions to two areas in the Wentworth Shire.
Wilga Road and Modikker Way Loop, Gol Gol
Wentworth Shire Council will be conducting planned works on Wilga Road North on Tuesday 22 October and Wednesday 23 October, which will affect both filtered and raw water supplies.
The water outage will impact residents on the Wilga Road/Modikker Way Loop from 9:00am to 4:00pm on both days to allow the works to proceed.
Ryder Crescent, Wentworth
Wentworth Shire Council will be conducting planned works in Ryder Crescent, Wentworth on Thursday 24 October, 9:00am – 4:00pm, which will affect both filtered and raw water supplies.
Impacted residents will receive a letter drop in advance with further information.
Council has apologised for any inconvenience caused.